TY - GEN AU - Juhanoja, Sirkka AU - Rantala, Saija AU - Nukari, Anna AU - Häggman, Hely AU - Uosukainen, Marjatta AU - Laamanen, Jaana AU - Temmes, Outi AU - Tegel, Satu AU - Alanko, Pentti TI - 1. MTT Publications Serie A98 KESKAS 2001; 2. Evaluation of ground covering plants 2005; 3. KESKAS research - Inventation od woody ornamentals in Finland 1984-1988; 4. Inventation of ornamental apple trees; 5. Cryopreservation of crop species in Europe: CRYOPLANET - COST Action 871 U1 - 631 KW - MTT WOODY PLANT FINLAND ORNAMENTAL APPLE TREE CRYO PRESERVATION CRYOPLANET ER -